The rates listed below are for basic estimations and are subject to change. Please CONTACT US for exact estimate.
Creative Services - $75 per hour
Motion Graphics | 3D Modeling - $85 per hour
Branding | Logos – $750 - Includes two revisions. Each additional revision is $75 per hour. All source files are turned over for your use upon logo finalization.
Sound | Lighting – Call for pricing.
Signs | Specialty Construction – Call for pricing.
Home Page - $1000
Basic Pages - $225 - Text and Static photos.
Intermediate Page - $255 - Text, Static Photos, Slide Shows/Albums, and Social Network Apps.
Advanced Page - $275 - Text, Static Photos, Slide Shows/Albums, Social Network Apps, Custom Apps, Iframes, Custom HTML Coding, and Media Libraries.
Live Streaming Page - $450 - Live streaming audio and video module (Configuration/hosting extra)
E-Commerce Page - $550 - Online store or shopping cart. Item entry, photo, and item description and tax calibration-$20 per item.
Blog Engines – $550